Rasagy Sharma
Sr. Design Manager
Capital One

Rasagy Sharma is an Information Designer, Data Artist, Design Educator & Compulsive Sketchnoter. He currently heads the design team for DataLabs at CapitalOne, and has spent over a decade designing data-heavy applications at orgs like Microsoft, Barclays, Mapbox, Sundial & more. His art is focused on expressing data about identity, migration (& some unusual topics!), has been exhibited at NGMA Bangalore, Mumbai & Berlin, and won awards like FastCompany Innovation by Design & Information is Beautiful awards. He’s an Adjunct Assistant Professor at IDC, IIT Bombay & has been teaching at NID for over 7 years. He holds an MDes in Information & Interface Design from NID Bangalore & BE in CSE from BITS Goa. In his free time, he enjoys creative coding, ultimate frisbee, tango dancing & sketchnoting.